I bought this book for $2 at the cheap store because I liked the cover; I was however put off reading it for over a month because each time I opened it it smelt like vinegar (which is what you get for purchasing a book at a dollar store, I guess). I had no idea what this book was going to be about because the blurb made absolutely no sense and gave no indication about the plot what-so-ever. The general gist? Chip is a one armed man obsessed with shuttle launches, working on the phones at a cheap motel and organising a party. Doesn't sound to appealing, does it? Oddly enough after getting through the first few chapters it became enticing and a story began to develop.
I'm not much for comedy (to compare: the authors I find most amusing are Ben Elton and Graham Greene) but it was well done and did elicit a few giggles at times. Mostly written in conversational form between Chip, the other guests and his womanising boss it had the added flash backs that told the story of how it came to be and was astonishingly well written and with a clever director could translate well to film (it is a very visual novel). It was entertaining enough that I will be going in search of Nick Walkers other books.